Catacomb is an online community of fervent and zealous Christians loyal to the One, True Church of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As such, we profess the Ancient Roman Catholic Faith as it has been held Everywhere, Always, By Everyone (Ubique, Semper, Ab Omnibus, i.e. the Vincentian Canon).
Problem: Heresy, Apostasy, Hypocrisy, & Sabotage
By forensic evidence, it is irrefutable that this selfsame Sacred Faith is not the one which is being magisterially taught and professed by the current occupiers of each and every Episcopal See on earth, including the Apostolic See in Rome. Either the magisterial deposit of the Catholic Faith has defected, or these occupants do not profess the Catholic Faith. Since the former would render our religion void, and thereby negate Our Lord’s promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church*, it is the latter indisputable reality to which we hold; and since non-Catholics have no jurisdiction within the Church, these Sees are, therefore, theologically vacant, and physically occupied by malicious, deceitful, traitorous, and cowardly usurpers, who profess Christ with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him (St. Matt. 15:8).
* Gates of hell (St. Matt. 16:18) defined by the Magisterium to mean heretics: “We bear in mind what was promised about the holy Church and Him who said the gates of hell will not prevail against it (by this we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics).”
—Pope Vigilius, Second Council of Constantinople, A.D. 553.
Solution: Ora et Labora, Laborare est Orare
Whereby we discern, by reason illumined with His Wisdom and Understanding, as instructed by the Roman Catechism, that the Seat is vacant, because the ape in Rome which arrogates to itself the name of “church” is not One in Faith*, but scattered and stricken with diabolical disunity; and since when the Shepherd is struck the sheep are scattered (St. Matt. 26:31), all members of Catacomb offer their ceaseless work and prayers for the singular intention that Almighty God may look down with favor upon our prayerful labors, finding His Church Militant worthy of relief from this chastisement of desolation, and deserving of an end to this dreadful interregnum, by His Willing the restoration of the only Rule of Unity, His Vicar on Earth, the Throne of Peter.
* “For in later ages there would not be wanting wicked men who, like the ape that would feign pass for a man, would claim that with them alone is the Catholic Church; but as this One Church cannot err in faith or morals, since it is guided by the Holy Ghost, so, on the contrary, all other societies arrogating to themselves the name of ‘church’, must necessarily, because guided by the spirit of the devil, be sunk in the most pernicious errors, both doctrinal and moral.”
—Roman Catechism, Ninth Article of the Creed.
That We May Be One
We do not accept the proposition to lay down our arms and sit idly awaiting the promised return of Our Lord, for “of that day and hour no one knoweth” (St. Matt. 24:36); lest we risk being found complicit in failing to uphold Faith in Our Lord’s prayer to the Father:
Born For Combat
Indeed, we acknowledge and proclaim that, with the help of God’s Grace, and for the salvation of souls, we are duty bound to wage war for the eradication of error and the triumph of Truth: